Settings for major blog services

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I add setting informations for major blog services;, TypePad and MovableType; to u*Blog manual. If you know settings for other blog services, please let me know.


Superb product... only one problem.

I'm using pLog for my blogging ( -- for some reason I'm not getting a list of "categories" in my options, which pLog should support.

To use category related functions in u*Blog, your blog service should support MovableType XMLRPC APIs. But supports only blogger APIs, so the functions cannot be used.

Thank you for the response -- but I am certain the pLog and its metaWeblog implementation DOES support categories (among other features).

See this page for more information:

Note the "metaWeblog.getCategories" method, and the examples below.

Many thanks!

I see, pLog does support category related APIs.
Is your problem that you cannot find a category list in u*Blog's UI? Or you find the UI and it doesn't work correctly?

If you cannnot find it, please set "Type" to metaWeblog in "Setting" form. If you've already set it to metaWeblog, I'm afraid that I cannot imagine the reason.

If other users have same problem or any information about it, please let me know.


Type is set to metaWeblog already.

I do not have the "category" option. When I click on the "wrench" icon to get settings, the only options I have are:

"Status: (publish or draft)"

"Date: (date selector)"

"Time: (time selector)"

A "C" button to clear the date / time, and an "OK" and "Save as Default" button. I do not have an option to select a category.

Sorry for taking your time, I realize what you mention.
Recently I'm working on other softwares and I was confused about how I'v implemented metaWeblog API in u*Blog.

In current version u*Blog category related functions in metaWeblog APIs are not supported. It's because the Japanese document which I referenced when I implemeted blogger, metaWeblog and MovableTyp APIs said that metaWeblog APIs don't support categories.

Now I realize that metaWeblog APIs DO support it and metaWeblog APIs in current version u*Blog do NOT support it, so I'll try to implement it in next version u*Blog.


Thank you for the effort and response.

I would happily make a small donation to see support for this (and possibly other metaWeblog API functions on the page I sent you) integrated.

I love the program, but I am forced to publish as a "Draft" right now, so that I can go in and set the category through my web interface...

Thank you for the effort and response.

I would happily make a small donation to see support for this (and possibly other metaWeblog API functions on the page I sent you) integrated.

I love the program, but I am forced to publish as a "Draft" right now, so that I can go in and set the category through my web interface...

Thank you for the effort and response.

I would happily make a small donation to see support for this (and possibly other metaWeblog API functions on the page I sent you) integrated.

I love the program, but I am forced to publish as a "Draft" right now, so that I can go in and set the category through my web interface...

Thank you for the effort and response.

I would happily make a small donation to see support for this (and possibly other metaWeblog API functions on the page I sent you) integrated.

I love the program, but I am forced to publish as a "Draft" right now, so that I can go in and set the category through my web interface...

For LiveJournal, another relatively popular blogsite, the settings are:
Type: Blogger
User name: (your lj-user)
Password: (your password)
XMLRPC Path: /interface/blogger/
Blog ID: (click on find...)

Also, if you leave "Title" blank, and use [title]%s[/title] (replace square brackets with angled brackets), the title will appear correctly.

the host of "blogger" type now should be "".
and i want to confirm whether i could attach files in the entry which i will post to my blogspot?I'm failed to do that at clie tj27.

Does blogger not support pictures? I do not see the file upload option in uBlog, but I see blogger pages with photos on them


Thanks for this great app.
I see that the "JISX0280ToUnicode.pdb and UnicodeToJISX0280.pdb" are used to translate the Japanese Charactors to unicode. Will it be possible for u*Blog to support Chinese Charactors?
Is there any ways for us to modify those to files?
It would be amazing if the app can support multi language. Thanks!

I have suceeded use it in my Treo650 with Live Journal. But with new version of blogger (beta blogger) I do not know the setting of XML-RPC Path. Does any one know?

what are all the various settings for WorpPress blogs hosted on




このページは、EIJがMay 29, 2005 11:07 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「u*Blog is registerd at PalmGear」です。

次のブログ記事は「PetitLaunch Ver.1.0 build15」です。
