I'm back :)

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I finished my master's program in December. (It was quite interesting, but very time consuming.)
Recently I resumed palmware development. So, I will updates my palmwares some time soon.


このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: I'm back :)

このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: http://annya.sakura.ne.jp/mt/mt-tb.cgi/3


Congratulations! おめでとうございます!

I'm using J-OS 2.42r2 on my Palm TX. Does the Palm OS care whether I use the Japanese or the English version of Guru2? I have the English version installed, but I usually write Japanese addresses since I live in Tokyo.

Thank you Chris :)

Palm OS does not care. Please whichever you like. The differences between Japanese and English version are String data used in user interface (e.g., menu) and default setting of database (e.g, labels). Other than that, everything is same.

Hi, great to hear you've finished your masters. Any chance you will work on the PetitLauncher again? Great and simple launcher!

My wish list:

- Toggle or change private mode shortcut
- More shortcut buttons for the Palm 680
- When Petit window open and press menu, crash! I suppose this is a fast way for soft reset haha!

Thanks, Cheers, Kin

congratulations on your graduation! that's a great achievement!

I think PetitLauncher is great - any chance you can make it even better? In my T650, it doesn't see, or open, programs on my card.

Is there a chance you can allow us to alias web URLs in petite launcher?

I really like the little PetitLaunch. It's really useful,if you work on it, can you fix the Menu Crash bug? I don't care if PetitLaunch can launch app from the extend card,creating links in Ram can fix everything.
So thanks for writing so good little things.

Siddy stared at him. Katie. Chapter 6 together againby gina mariah carey boobs marie.



このページは、EIJがJanuary 19, 2007 7:52 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Graduate School」です。

次のブログ記事は「Blogger with Google account」です。
